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Voila Villas Dordogne

Chateau Milandes

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Today the chateau is a well organised tourist attraction and regularly offers exhibitions, tours and special events.


Chateau Milandes can be found nestling on the banks of the river Dordogne and is one of the most accessible, and interesting, chateaux of the region. 

Possibly the most famous resident of Chateau Milandes was Josephine Baker, the American-born singer/dancer/performer.

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Until 1789 it was used more as a residence than a fortified castle (see Castelnaud La Chapelle) by the Caumont family however it was abandoned and fell into disrepair in the years that followed the revolution. Major renovation began around 1900 which restored many of the original features and added some impressive new ones too such as romantic balconies, medieval-style gargoyles and a new tower. A formal garden was commissioned as well as a winery and farm.   

Possibly the most famous resident of Chateau Milandes was Josephine Baker, the American-born singer/dancer/performer. She began living in the chateau in 1940 and actively served with the French resistance during World War 2, following which she began to raise her family of 12 adopted children who she lovingly referred to as the 'rainbow tribe'.     

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Today the chateau is a well organised tourist attraction and regularly offers exhibitions, tours and special events. It houses a wonderful bird of prey centre and even has its own brasserie. Lots of fun for the whole family and very much worth a visit. 

Details for your visit can be found here: Chateau Milandes

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